Steam Railway Research Society

The Society began in the 1980's as the Steam Railway Record Society and changed to the SRRS about a decade later. Our group of researchers realised that important historic railway documentation was being lost and felt it should be safeguarded for future generations to view and so the Society began to acquire items of paperwork to allow the study of various operating aspects of the railways and this gradually built up a comprehensive archive of railway documentation.

The STEAM RAILWAY RESEARCH SOCIETY is a group of railway enthusiasts who have a common interest in promoting research projects and securing railway documentation to allow this. The Society provides a focal point for the enthusiasts to exchange information. access the Archive and meet with like minded enthusiasts. Many of our members have their own pet projects and the scope of these varies considerably but is generally, but not exclusively, based on the BR era. 

A couple of the more high profile projects have their own page on this website.  

Our success is governed by the ability of our researchers and the available resources. We appeal to enthusiasts to share their information with us so we can enhance our projects and help others.


The SRRS has built up an impressive archive of railway documents for our members to utilise in their research work. The archive is constantly being expanded. We are particularly interested in enthusiasts spotting notebooks (not the ABC ones) as these are extremely useful for some of the projects we are undertaking. See our appeal for this type of documentation

Our archive consists of Working Timetables Public timetables
Special traffic notices
Marshalling books
Engine diagrams
Shed working books
Trip & shunt books
Station arrival books
Signal box books
Traffic Surveys
Lots of other items.

There are over 1000 working timetables plus hundreds of supplements. Our collection of special traffic notices has grown to over 1500. If you have any documents that you would like to donate to our Archive please contact us


Many of our projects are only possible because we have a good collection of documentation to allow our researchers to study and progress their projects. The railway companies were prolific in creating a mass of paperwork and it is understandable that only a fraction of this would ever survive. Whilst we have a good archive we are aware that, tucked away in cupboards and lofts perhaps, there are all sorts of documents that we would find valuable. It is not imperative that we acquire these as we are more than happy to work with copies, but it would help us considerably if those with the documents would come forward and let us know what they have. If you feel you would like your documents to go to a suitable home then please contact us and we can discuss the best way forward. 

We are particularly keen to acquire more train spotting records as these have proved an extremely useful source of information.  Please help if you can. All we need is sight of them so contact us and we will discuss the best way to achieve this


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